Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sightseeing Luzern

Tuesday was a good day to take a break from train travel so we did some touristy things in Luzern proper. Obligatory visit to the Loewendenkmal (Lion Monument - pic), a stone carving of an injured lion in honor of the Swiss Guard who fell while defending the monarchy in Paris during the French Revolution. Nearby is the Glacier Garden and museum, with a number of interesting exhibits focusing on natural history and cartography of the region. The glaciers are melting/receding in Switzerland too (just as in the Washington Cascades), as documented by historical photographs. We had a good dinner at the restaurant of the Hotel des Balances, on a moonlit river with swans and fish skimming by.

Wednesday broke clear and sunny so we went up Mt. Pilatus (7000 ft. elevation) via aerial cable and gondola. Got to hear "more cowbell" and enjoyed a spectacular panorama of Alps in the distance and Lake Lucerne, other lakes and towns far below. The return trip was via the steepest cogwheel train in the world and we had front row seats. Then a return trip from Alpnachstad to Luzern via boat. Many of tbe settings and some of the houses make Lake Washington back home look pretty ordinary...

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