Saturday, August 4, 2012

The lagoon and Padova

Mostlly pics for now. For this entry, pic 1 shows the leaning bell tower (most all towers seem to lean around here!) on the island of Burano near Venice. Pic 2 is a shot of Corte del forno vecchio, the secluded square on which our hotel is located -- a few steps away is the mayhem of the tourists in the center of Venice. Pic 3: one-half of a serving of spaghetti e vongole at a Beccafico Ristorante on Campo San Stefano in Venice, where the spaghetti was the best I've ever had -- the spaghetti was ever so slightly thicker than average, very al dente, and probably tossed with the clams for long enough to impart the briny flavor into the pasta. Spaghetti bursting with flavor and "meaty" enough to chew, it was amazing. Pic 4 - we took a day trip on Friday, to Padova (Padua) and saw St. Anthony's (here) and the Scrovegni Chapel (nothing much from the outside, but inside, the famous series of frescoes by Giotto. Pic 5 -- a bambino sampling formaggio (cheese) at one of the market stalls in Padova-- the lower covered level has meats, cheeses, pasta, poultry, and above are open-air markets selling produce, clothing, housewares, and similar items. We wanted to eat like the locals in Padova and stumbled upon a cafeteria full of men and women on break from their work, moms shopping with their kids, and a few elderly people just out and about, with nary a word of English or Dutch (there seem to be lots of Dutch visitors this time of year in Venice for some reason) to be heard! Fantastico.

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